
The discourse surrounding the theory maqâshid syarî'ah is still worth doing it aims to understand who far Islamic law  is in line  with the  progress of time. Theory maqâshid  syarî‟ah Syathibi globally based on two  things: the problems ta'lil (legal determination based  illat), and  al-mashâlih  wa  al-mafâsid  (benefit  and  damage). Furthermore, he explains how  to determine maqâshid with six ways: goals syari'ah must be  in accordance  with the  Arabic language,  commands  and  prohibitions syarî‟ah understood as ta'līl (have illat) and ḍahiriyah (text what it is), maqâshid al-ashliyah  (origin  destination)  wa  al-maqâshid  al-tabi'iyyah  (destination  followers), sukut al-syâri‟  (silence  syâri‟), al-istiqra'  (theory of induction), looking for clues of the Companions  of the Prophet.  For operating  of ijtihad  al-  maqâshidy,  Syathibi requires four conditions as follows: texts and laws depending on the goal, collecting between  kulliyât  al-'âmmah  and  specific  arguments,  bring  benefit  and prevent damage to the absolute and considering the result of a law.