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Sri Anugerah Natalina
Arif Zunaidi


The current economic development has led to competition between
companies in controlling and maintaining the market. Companies with
other companies are competing to be winners in business competition.
Likewise, bank or non-bank financial institutions. With the increasing
quantity of customers and the growth of the nation's economy, it has made
Islamic banking compete with other Islamic banks to be at the forefront of
providing satisfaction and controlling customers. A special management is
needed to determine the right strategy in every policy step taken. For this
reason, strategic management is needed so that every policy taken is not
misplaced. Because every mistake in policy making will certainly have a
negative impact on the company, either in the form of loss of customers or
loss of coffers of income. This writing uses the literary method, which
collects data based on written texts from various sources to analyze. The
results can be seen, to win market competition requires strategic
management, making a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of the company. Make an analysis of challenges and
opportunities, in order to dominate the market.

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How to Cite
Sri Anugerah Natalina, & Arif Zunaidi. (2021). MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK DALAM PERBANKAN SYARIAH. WADIAH, 5(1), 86–117.

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