Journal of Health Science and Physiotherapy

Published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Siti Hajar Medan


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): Unknown (Unknown)

Grade: None

Country: Indonesia

Journal of Health Science and Physiotherapy: Research Study in Health Science and Physiotherapy publishes the article based on research or equivalent to research results in public health or other disciplines related to public health that has not been loaded/published by other media. The journal contains articles about physiotherapy, nursing, medicine, midwifery, public health, pharmacy, nutrition. and other related articles in public health. The journal can be used by health practitioners, health caregivers, teachers, medical students, and people who are interested in public health issues. The journal was first published in December 2016 and subsequently published twice a year, in January and June. ISSN 2655-8688 (media online)

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