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Two years since the beginning of the pandemic, and now it is starting to subside, the face-to-face learning system has been applied as usual. Changes in the learning system, from online to face-to-face learning, change the atmosphere and conditions of the learning environment. Then, the conditions affected students’ experiences and feelings during the learning process. This study uses a qualitative approach with photo-elicitation interviews (PEI) to explore the positive feelings of four elementary school students in Bandung. PEI explores the experiences of children who struggle to describe their situation explicitly. The interactive data analysis found that there was a change in the positive feelings experienced by students in the hybrid learning and back-to-school phases. Interaction with peers and the learning process with teachers are the two dominant things that trigger children’s positive feelings about learning in the post-COVID era.


elementary school student photo elicitation interview positive feeling post-pandemic COVID-19

Article Details

Author Biographies

Faiz Fatihul 'Alwan, Department of Educational Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia

Faiz Fatihul ‘Alwan has been a teacher at a junior high school, since 2019, He completed his M.Ed. at the educational psychology, school of post-graduate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in August 2022. He has presented many works at international conferences in educational psychology and mathematics education. His background as a mathematics teacher made him so much interested to research psychology in learning mathematics at school. On the other hand, he is also concerned about gender research in education. He can be reached at


Tuti Azizah, Department of Educational Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia

Tuti Azizah has been a teacher at a vocational high school since 2014. She completed her M.Ed. at the educational psychology study program, post-graduate school, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in August 2022. She has presented her work at international conferences and is preparing for more pipelines. Her long experience as a teacher has made her a lot concerned about educational research. Her research fields involve educational psychology, adult development, and learning. She can be reached at

Ridha Fauzia Rimuna, Department of Educational Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia

Ridha Fauzia Rimuna has been a teacher at a primary school, since 2017, she completed post-graduate studies in educational psychology at UPI in August 2022 and earned an M.Ed. She can be reached at

How to Cite
’Alwan, F. F., Azizah, T., & Rimuna, R. F. (2022). Children’s positive feelings at school during post-pandemic COVID-19: An exploratory research with photo elicitation interview. INSPIRA: Indonesian Journal of Psychological Research, 3(2), 71-78.


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