• Hermina Disnawati Universitas Timor
  • Yohanis Ndapa Deda Universitas Timor
Keywords: certainty of response index, misconception, set concept


This research aims to find out the misconceptions of students about the concept of the set using certainty of response index (CRI) indicators. The research subjects consisted of 89 students who programmed the Introduction to Basic Mathematics (PDM) course. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. A written test consisting of 4 reasoned multiple choice and descriptive questions were used to collect research data. The results showed that based on CRI criteria, for problem number 1 about the differences of set and not sets, there were 39% of students experiencing misconceptions, 33% of students do not know the concept and 28% of students who know the concept correctly. In question number 2, the questions about three ways of presenting a set of natural, whole, prime and integers numbers, it was found that 12% of students experienced misconceptions and 76% of students did not know the concept because of guessing and lack of knowledge, the remaining 11% of students understand the concept very well. For problem number 3, about the operation of the set found that 30% of students experienced misconceptions, 45% did not know the concept and the remaining 24% understood the concept correctly. Furthermore, for problem number 4, the set operation story was obtained the result that of 19% of students who took the test experienced misconceptions, 57% of students did not understand the concept and only 24% of students understood the concept correctly. In other words, of the 4 questions that were tested on students, questions number 1 and 3 were mostly found by students experiencing misconceptions. Although problem number 2, it was found that at least students experienced misconspection but in this questions almost 80% of students did not know the concept correctly


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How to Cite
Disnawati, H., & Deda, Y. (2022). MISKONSEPSI MAHASISWA PADA MATERI HIMPUNAN: ANALISIS MENGGUNAKAN KRITERIA CERTAINTY OF RESPONSE INDEX. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (JUPITEK), 4(2), 95-102. https://doi.org/10.30598/jupitekvol4iss2pp95-102