
The failure in learning generally due to minimal learning encouragement.Therefore, a real effort is needed by the teacher in generating student learning motivation. One of them is to apply the CIRC type cooperative learning model (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Compotition). This type of research is a classroom action study aimed at (1) knowing the increase in student achievement of class X KI 3 SMK Negeri 1 Mojoanyar Mojokerto District about Text Anecdot through implementation CIRC model, (2) knowing the student's response after applied CIRC model about the anecdot text. The study was conducted in August 2019 with the subject of student study of X Class KI 3 SMK Negeri 1 Mojoanyar amounted to 34 students. The research phase includes covert activities with each cycle consisting of the planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stage. The results showed that (1) Learning with CIRC models has a positive impact in improving student achievement marked by increased learning of student learning in each cycle, ie cycle I (72.73%), and cycle II (87.88%). In the aspects of student activity also showing active remaining in learning and on aspects of lesson plan implementation showing learning in good category, namely the first cycle gets a score of 3.3 (both) and increased to 3.5 (both) in the second cycle and the implementation of 100%, (2) application of CIRC models has a positive effect that can increase the student's motivation demonstrated with the average student's answers stated that students are interested and motivated with the CIRC model so that they are become motivated to learn. Keywords:Text Anecdot, Learning Outcomes, CIRC