
The teaching and learning process (learning) is an activity to carry out the core of education and curriculum at an educational institution. Teaching and learning activities contain various concepts related to the educational mission, educational foundation, and educational goals. In addition, learning is focused on what the lecturer must do as the one who provides learning. The learning process at this time is constrained by the Covid 19 pandemic faced by Indonesia, thus affecting all activities, one of which is Bungo Regency residents, especially in the academic field. Therefore, all learning activities carried out on campus are not allowed and must be done at home or online. One of them is the learning process for the Pancasila Course in the English Education Study Program (PBI), Semester II Year 2020/2021. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods in the form of photos and questionnaires via google forms which are distributed to students through whatsapp groups using 26 PBI second semester students. The results of this study indicate that students have internet signal problems, which are 81%. So the importance of the internet network is to make it easier for students to carry out the learning process effectively, due to the lack of a network. So the importance of the internet network is to make it easier for students to carry out the learning process effectively, due to the lack of a network.