Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan Mengenai Perkembangan dan Peningkatan Profesional Profesi Guru

  • Dimas Afrizal Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Wahyu Kusniawan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Farid Tartiburrohman Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


National education functions to develop capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. The actuality of the function of education allows the development of the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, this method was chosen because it aims to determine how to find, collect, process and analyze data from the research results. The type of this research approach is descriptive. In this journal, it discusses the urgency of the teaching profession where teachers have a strategic role and position in its implementation, teachers are at the forefront and become pioneers of educational success. In addition, this journal will also describe the issues and phenomena of public policy by including the process of analyzing and implementing public policy. The conclusion of this journal is inclined to the existence of teachers in education, the authors view that teachers are not only a profession but more deeply as companions, educators, teachers, directors and determinants of educational outcomes. Therefore, the government must be able to accommodate efforts to improve and develop teachers as well as in the process of monitoring teachers after training or various other improvement efforts.

Keywords: Education Policy, Professional Teacher
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How to Cite
Afrizal, D., Kusniawan, W., & Tartiburrohman, F. (2021). Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan Mengenai Perkembangan dan Peningkatan Profesional Profesi Guru. PENSA, 3(2), 213-225. Retrieved from