Peran Masyarakat Berbasis Agama dalam Mewujudkan Anggaran Daerah “Pro Poor” Sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di Kabupaten Bintan


  • Alfiandri Alfiandri
  • Sri Wahyuni


Local budget, society based religion, pro poor budegting, poverty


The local annual budget (APBD) is one of the instruments of government policy to finance development
programs, services and empowerment in the area. Budgets are formulated by local governments and
legislators to advance aspiration developed in the society. Nevertheless, the budget policy area always
biased interests, both political interests and the interests of local control of resources. Therefore, the
community can play a role in determining the area of pro-poor budget for poverty alleviation efforts in
the area. Faith-based societies, including in the civil society organizations that play a role in achieving
pro-poor local budgets. This study is intended to look at the role, which the researchers analyzed the role
of faith-based communities in achieving pro-poor local budgets in an effort to alleviate poverty in Bintan
regency. To achieve these objectives, this study used a qualitative approach. This approach is very
relevant to see and map the role of faith-based communities in achieving pro-poor local budgets. This
study concluded that the role of faith-based communities have not been effective in achieving pro-poor
local budgets. This is due to a lack of faith-based public awareness of the role and responsibilities, lack of
institutional and managerial faith-based community organization and lack of socialization of the



How to Cite

Alfiandri, A., & Wahyuni, S. (2018). Peran Masyarakat Berbasis Agama dalam Mewujudkan Anggaran Daerah “Pro Poor” Sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di Kabupaten Bintan. Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JUAN), 2(2), 37–52. Retrieved from