The Use of Multimodalities in Speaking Class

  • Nur Zaida SMP Negeri 8 Semarang
Keywords: multimodalities, speaking class, and, distance learning


Teaching and learning process for speaking class was quiet challenging during the pandemic since the students could not directly work in pairs or groups. This article described the action research conducted in the speaking class of the 7th graders of SMP Negeri 8 Semarang, year 2020. There were 32 students as the population and the study was conducted in August 2020. The research focused on the transactional dialogue that should be acquired by the 7th graders. The distance learning policy applied in the region forced the teacher to find a way to create an effective speaking class. Multimodalites were then applied to help the students understand dialogues as well as practice their ability in speaking. The use of technology enabled the students to work in pairs and record their dialogue. The result of the cycle was promising since there was a significant improvement in the students’ speaking compared to the pre-cycle. However, there were 12 (twelve) students failed to gain the passing grade and based on the questionnaire there were some students found difficulties in recording their dialogue. The second cycle was then conducted based on the reflection of the first cycle. The results of the second cycle show that all of the students passed the passing grade and there was an improvement in the students’ speaking performance. The technical problems were also solved. The use of multimodalities to improve the students’ speaking skill of SMP Negeri 8 Semarang was proved to be effective.


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How to Cite
Zaida, N. (2021). The Use of Multimodalities in Speaking Class. Indonesian Journal of Learning Studies (IJLS), 1(1), 1-8. Retrieved from