An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties In Learning Intensive Course at The First Semester Students of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi Academic Years 2019/2020

  • Faren Rosalina IAIN BUKITTINGGI
  • Loli Safitri
Keywords: Intensive course, difficulties


The background of this research was based on the difficulties that students faced in intensive learning courses in the first semester of English Education Students of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi Academic Years 2019/2020. There were some problems found such as did not have enough ability to learn the intensive course, faced  difficulty  in  understanding structure  and  even  though  it  has  been explained many times, and difficult to catch what the speaker spoke in listening since it was too fast, and did not understand learning English because they had less vocabulary in English and less motivation. This research used a descriptive quantitative research. The sample of this research were the first semester students at English Department (PBI) year 2019. There were four classes on the first semester students of Islamic states of Bukittinggi (IAIN). The researcher uses purposive sampling as a sampling technique, and the sample was 71 students of first semester students. It was concluded that 61,44% of the students had difficulties in listening. 52,96% the students had difficulties in speaking. 62,75% of the students had difficulties in reading. Lastly, 51,11% of the students had difficulties in writing.  Furthermore, unknown pronunciation and accent still made most of them feel difficult in the listening process. Most of the informants felt difficult to speak since they don’t know what to say or they have limited ideas of the topic that were being spoken which made them rather quiet or just only speak a little. Most of the informants feel difficult in reading because of limited vocabulary they possess, unfamiliar topics, different text levels, and they can’t or lack strategy in remembering the important information about the text they just read. Lastly, grammar, conjunction, and vocabulary are the most things that complicated the informants in writing.


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How to Cite
Rosalina, F., & Safitri, L. (2021). An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties In Learning Intensive Course at The First Semester Students of State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi Academic Years 2019/2020. Indonesian Journal of Learning Studies (IJLS), 1(1), 72-80. Retrieved from