Islamization Of Knowledge In Qur’anic Perspective


  • M. Thoriqul Islam University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia
  • Elvan Tedio Fawaz University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia



Islamization, Science, Islamic Education


Islamization is a discipline that describes the form of the character and Islamic identity as worldview, in which there is an integral view of the concept of knowledge (epistemology) and the concept of God (theology). In Islam, knowledge is formed and sourced from the Islamic view of life, which is closely related to the basic structure of the metaphysics of Islam that has formulated in-line with revelation, tradition, reason, experience and intuition. Formation of those through the educational process. However, due to the influence of western worldview through westernization and globalization, Islamic education lost its role in linking science with Islamic view of life. This paper seeks to examine the concept of Islamization of science in Quranic perspective, where Islamization leads to belief, belief is related to instinct, while science to harmonize with the situation.


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How to Cite

Islam, M. T., & Fawaz, E. T. (2017). Islamization Of Knowledge In Qur’anic Perspective. Studia Quranika, 2(1), 23–38.


