Prosedur dan Sistem Perubahan Konstitusi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia


Procedures and systems changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia starting before the declaration of Indonesian independence, precisely on Current Investigation Agency Preparation for the independence of Indonesia to draft the Constitution of the State of Indonesia. The general principle of constitutional changes carried out according to the procedure set by the Constitution itself, the way is usually called the 'verfassung anderung' And change procedure that is not regulated in the Constitution that are revolosioner commonly referred to isti-lah 'verfassung wandlung' , The Constitution is divided into: the Constitution in the form of written and unwritten constitution in the form (written constitution and no written constitution); Flexible and Rigid Constitution Constitution (consti-tution flexible and rigid constitution); High degree Constitution and the constitution degree is not high (supreme constitution and not supreme consti-tution); The union constitution and constitutional unity (federal constitution and unitary constitution), the Constitutional presidential system of government and constitution, the parliamentary system of government (executive and parliamentary executive presidential constitution)           Four system changes the Constitution, namely: constitutional changes made by the holder of legislative power, but according to the constitution tertentu.Perubahan restrictions by the People through referendum.Perubahan this constitution apply to nega-ra union carried out by a number of states. Constitutional amendments do a convention or carried out by a special state institution formed for a change. Judging from its shape, constitutional changes can be made by: Through the renewal of a script that is if a change in the text regarding certain matters, through the replacement of the manuscript old with a new script, if material changes are fundamental and pretty much, through manuscripts additional (annex or addendum) were apart from the original text of the Constitution, which called the text amendment to the Constitution the establishment of the Constitution, the draft Constitution drawn up