Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen atas Sertifikat Tanah Kavling dalam Hal Pengembang telah Dinyatakan Pailit


The population that continues to increase and the limited land area causes a lot of land issues in the community, the Rungkut area of Surabaya is one example of a region that has many land problems. When the land buyer paid off the installments, there was a problem on the part of the developer that resulted in the master certificate being destroyed / lost, the poor financial condition caused the company to go bankrupt and eventually become bankrupt because it had a lot of debt in the bank.In resolving land disputes, two routes can be taken, namely out of court (non-litigation) such as conducting consensus / mediation / arbitration and through court proceedings (litigation) if the settlement with mediation or deliberation reaches no agreement and peace. Keywords: default, mediation, court.