Studi in silico prediski potensi 8-shogaol sebagai inhibitor c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase


Virtual screening: potential prediction of 8-shogaol againts c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK). JNK is one of gene that has a role in T2DM condition. To curve T2DM use JNK as potential healing using natural compounds. Eight-shogaol which found in ginger has function as a antioxidant.. The aim of the research is to investigate and analyze role 8-shogaol againts JNK. Protein JNK (ID: 464Y) was taken from Protein Data Bank and ligand 8-shogaol (CID:6442560) acquired from pubchem. Ligand and protein model were docked using Hex 8.0.0 software. Visualization and analysis molecular interactions by the Discovery Studio Client 4.1 software. Interaction ligand--protein showed one hydrogen bond in amino acid residue LYS93 and formed van der Waals in eighteen amino acid residues which energy binding -289.68cal/mol. This interaction has a potential to inhibit JNK role and lead to therapy T2DM.