Fauzi Rizal* -  Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
This article aims to describe the method of Imam Asy-Syaukani in compiling the book Nailul Autar Syarh Muntaqal-Akhbar. Kitab Nailul Authar is a book of shar from the book of legal hadith compiled by ibn Taimiyan "al-Muntaqa" consisting of 5029 traditions, then disyarh by Asy-Syaukani to 8 juz, each of 380 pages, up to 3040 pages. Therefore, the author tries to give a picture of the intended book.

Keywords : Imam Asy-Syaukani; Kitab Nailul Autar Syarh Muntaqal-Akhbar

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