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Typology thinking of Islamic society organizations in Aceh there
are three types including the first typology of traditional Islamic
thought. Community organizations are included in the thinking of
traditional Islam in Aceh is 1) HUDA (Associationof Acehnese
Dayah Ulama), 2) MUNA (Majelis Ulama Nanggroe Aceh
Darussalam), 3) NU (Nahdlatul Ulama), and 4) Al-Wasliyah,
second, typologies of thought Modern Islam represented by
Muhammadiyah, and the third, the typology of fundamentalist
Islamic thought. Fundamentalist Islamic Thought in Aceh is
represented by 1) Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) 2) The Islamic
Defenders Front (FPI). However provide a typology of
traditional Islam, modern Islam, and Islamic fundamentalist
Islam to the community organizations in Aceh is irrelevant
because the organasasi movement today is beyond the
dichotomous typology.


Islamic society organizations Islamic fundamentalist

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How to Cite
Syafieh, S. (2017). PERGULATAN PEMIKIRAN ISLAM DI ACEH. At-Tafkir, 9(2), 1-20. Retrieved from