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The Mogama' custom within the Mongondow tribe's marriage tradition encapsulates values the community firmly holds. These values must be unearthed, understood, preserved, and passed down through generations within the Mongondow tribe. This research endeavours to examine some published literature related to the Mogama' custom, define the Mogama' custom, elucidate the values embedded within it, and explore the relevance of the Mongondow tribe's customary marriage law with Islamic law. This study is a systematic literature review encompassing explanations and theories, findings, and research materials drawn from journal databases via the Google Scholar platform, which are subsequently analyzed descriptively. This study reveals several key findings. Firstly, there is a need for more articles related to the Mogama' custom in publications. Secondly, the Mogama' custom involves the taking of a bride by the groom and his family through thirteen stages, commencing with pangkoy gama', polampangon kon tutugan lanag, pololanon kon tubig, poponikon kon tukad, kungkum in pawung, pilat in siripu, polampang kon tonom, pokilituan, pinogapangan, buka in kokudu, pokimamaan, pongiobawan, and polimumugan. Thirdly, the values encompassed within the Mogama' custom include mutual love, care, and happiness; strengthening familial bonds; mutual respect among family members and fellow human beings; upholding courtesy; boosting the bride's confidence in her parents, siblings, and the entire groom's family; fostering deeper understanding between both parties; and praying for blessings from Allah SWT for both families. In essence, the Mogama' custom is a form of reverence toward women. Fourthly, the implementation of marriage customs in the Bolaang Mongondow region only adheres to Islamic law provisions during the marriage contract ceremony, while the processes before and after have become intertwined with customary practices. In this context, Islamic law serves as a filter for customs deemed incompatible with Islamic law.
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