Level of Understanding of Students of the Islamic Religious Education About the Religious Moderation

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Widya Wulandari
Muhamad Fauzi


Actions of radicalism with the rise of extremism have made students vulnerable. The factor that causes radicalism and extremism to enter is due to students' lack of understanding of religious moderation. The important role of higher education is needed to facilitate, introduce, and instill an understanding of moderation. This study aims to determine the level of understanding of Islamic Religious Education study program students regarding the concept of religious moderation. This research uses a descriptive accompanied by a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used the questionnaire method and the data collected by performing percentage analysis. Thus, this study found that the level of understanding of students of the Islamic Religious Education study program regarding religious moderation, there were still students who did not understand the meaning of the concept of various modes of moderation, including; National Commitment (KB), Tolerance (T), Anti-Violence (AK), and Accommodating Local Culture (MKL). So, to increase the understanding of Islamic Religious Education study program students regarding the concept of religious moderation, there is an effort by the study program to provide policies and program activities in Islamic Religious Education study program to introduce and instill an understanding of moderation.

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How to Cite
Level of Understanding of Students of the Islamic Religious Education About the Religious Moderation. (2024). An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 67-81. https://journal.iaimkotamobagu.ac.id/index.php/annubuwwah/article/view/22

How to Cite

Level of Understanding of Students of the Islamic Religious Education About the Religious Moderation. (2024). An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 67-81. https://journal.iaimkotamobagu.ac.id/index.php/annubuwwah/article/view/22


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