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Muhammad Mufti


Ome TV's video-call app is usually used to get acquainted with foreigners or practice foreign language proficiency by practicing it in front of native speakers in addition to content to be posted on other social media. However, Alif Dz's YouTube channel also uses it as a medium for da'wah. This article aims to explore the da'wah method used by Alif Dz's YouTube channel in conducting da'wah through the Ome TV video call application as well as the response from its viewers. Using qualitative method, this article shows that the da'wah methods used by Alif Dz's YouTube channel on the Ome TV video call application include but are not limited to recitation of Quranic verses, salawāt, to singing religious songs in Arabic. His content that has been uploaded on his YouTube channel has received a lot of positive responses from his viewers based on the comments in the comment column. What Alif Dz's YouTube channel has done is one example of the use of new media as a medium for Islamic da'wah in the contemporary era.

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How to Cite
UTILIZATION OF OME TV VIDEO-CALL APPLICATION AS DA’WAH MEDIA: Review on Ome TV Content from Alif Dz’s YouTube Channel. (2024). An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 31-45. https://journal.iaimkotamobagu.ac.id/index.php/annubuwwah/article/view/26

How to Cite

UTILIZATION OF OME TV VIDEO-CALL APPLICATION AS DA’WAH MEDIA: Review on Ome TV Content from Alif Dz’s YouTube Channel. (2024). An-Nubuwwah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 31-45. https://journal.iaimkotamobagu.ac.id/index.php/annubuwwah/article/view/26


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