Pendekatan dalam Integrasi Kurikulum Pondok Pesantren dan Madrasah: Studi di Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung


  • Muhamad Azmi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Tanggamus
  • Muhammad Akmansyah UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • Amiruddin UIN Raden Intan Lampung



integration, curriculum, madrasah aliyah, pesantren


Curriculum integration in islamic education refers to involves integrating the concepts and content of religius learning and general learning. This study outlines the integration of salaf Islamic boarding school education with the madrasah curriculum at Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung. This type of research is a type of qualitative research and data collection technique used snowball sampling for interviews, accompanied by observation and documentation. The data were analyzed using integrative and interactive techniques. This study found that the Islamic integrated curriculum in Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung was applied by combining the national curriculum with salaf islamic boarding school (pesantren salaf) education. The integration of madrasa and salaf Islamic boarding school curriculum is to open ourselves to the progress of the times where students are equipped with religious knowledge and general science. Implementation of curriculum integration with a social-religious approach by inserting religious moderation values in learning.


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How to Cite

Azmi, M., Muhammad Akmansyah, & Amiruddin. (2024). Pendekatan dalam Integrasi Kurikulum Pondok Pesantren dan Madrasah: Studi di Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung. Bustanul Ulum Journal of Islamic Education, 1(2), 212–223.