Jurnal Bina Komputer

Published by Universitas Bina Darma


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): 2656-159X (2656-1603)

Grade: None

Country: Indonesia

Jurnal Bina Komputer Jurnal Bina Komputer is a scientific journal that presents original articles about knowledge and information on research or application of the latest research and development in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The scope of Jurnal Bina Komputer covers the fields of Informatics and computers. This journal is place to share research and development work in the field of ICT. Jurnal Bina Komputer is an open access journal that is provided for researchers, lecturers, and students who will publish the results of research in the field of information and informatics systems. Jurnal Bina Komputer publishes scientific articles as a result of original ideas, thoughts about the latest research and technological developments which include Informatics and computers. Jurnal Bina Komputer is one of the media for researchers to publish their major works which are published twice in one year, namely in February and July.

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