SHAHIH : Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary

Published by IAIN Surakarta


Articles: 0

ISSN (e-ISSN): 2527-8118 (2527-8126)

Grade: M3

Country: Indonesia

HAHIH : Journal of Islamicate Multidisciplinary is an Islamic Study Research Journal published by the Department of Research and Public Service (LPPM) of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta ( IAIN Surakarta). First published in 2016, SHAHIH is published twice a year ( January-June and July - December ). The released articles are the publication of Islamic Study Research that consist of fieldwork as well as text that is reviewed from various perspectives, in terms of philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology, philology, psychology, education, communication, etc. This journal is dedicated to explore and socialize various creative and innovative new ideas from the researchers, academics, and practitioners who focus on the development of Islamic Study.

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