• sabdo sabdo
Keywords: Baldatun Toyibatun Warabbun Ghofur; Transformation sosial


A term often heard, read or discourse is "Baldatun Thoyibatun warobbun Ghofur" in Indonesian terms defined as a good country God forgave, or in Javanese philosophy "gemah ripah loh jinawi". The above phrase is the term that has been built by the Qur'an as hudan (guidance) for those who are devoted. The concept of the State above is very often an interesting discourse but in the level of reality has not been able to answer various problems in this country

In the process of social transformation, Baldatun Thoyibatun warobbun Ghofur is as the final destination, the birth of a society full of peace, prosperity and justice, a perfect spiritual or material society. Specifically, the process of Islamic social transformation is the existence of a da'wah movement that continues to strive for change, from the darkness of life (al-Dzulumat) to a radiant life (al Nur), from ignorance   to Islam. A question arises whether this desirable country has been seen? and whether the current da'wah has not been able to give birth to it? of the two questions arise several problems; If the country of desire has been born what it looks like? If the da'wah has not been able to realize the country of desires, what is the problem? The above questions should be examined, for "baldatun Thoyibatun warobbun Ghofur is a necessity.

The method used in studying this problem is the library study (library research) which prioritizes the review of the sources, then analyzed the texts to produce conclusions.

This study can be concluded that the Baldatun thoyibatun warabbun ghofur state is a prosperous country in every field, because it is based on the basis of monotheism. Both the social, cultural, political, economic, educational and human rights fields. In realizing the form of the State requires a stage which should be noticed by the actors of change, as the Prophet (s) made a change. These changes can be made by making internal and external changes.


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How to Cite
SABDO, sabdo. KONSEP “BALDATUN THOYIBATUN WA ROBBUN GHOFUR” SEBAGAI TUJUAN AKHIR PROSES TRANFORMASI SOSIAL ISLAM. Ath-Thariq: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 278-287, july 2018. ISSN 2614-8439. Available at: <https://e-journal.metrouniv.ac.id/ath_thariq/article/view/1083>. Date accessed: 10 may 2024. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.32332/ath_thariq.v2i1.1083.

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