Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Sebagai Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Sebagai Basis Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Di Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu


Human Resources (HR) is the most important thing as a great potential in humans and this must be explored and forged as much as possible. To create human resources in the organization must be carried out in the form of education and training that aims to improve the mastery of various skills and techniques for carrying out certain work for the present needs, while the development aims to prepare employees ready to assume certain positions in the future. In the Human Resources development stage, there are development methods, namely On the Job Training (OT, Rotation, Internship, Lecture Classes and Video Presentations, Vestibule Training, Game Role and Model Behavior, Case Study, Simulation, Independent Learning and Programmed Learning Process, Laboratory Practices, Action Training (Action Learning), Role Playing, In-Basket Technique, Games Management, Behavior Modeling, Outdoor Oriented Programs.