Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Berkarakter Melalui Supervisi Akademik dengan Pola Pendampingan


The research objective was to find out the teachers ability in developing the character based lesson plan. The location of the research was at SD Negeri  20 Lebong with 9 teachers as the subject. It was a classroom action research, conducted in two cycles. The qualitative data were analyzed descriptively and calculated simply in percentage. The result, the teachers ability in developing the character based lesson plan has improved, namely from 37% in good category to 79%, medium category from 39 % decreased to 19%, and low category 24% decreased to 2%. In summary, the application of academic supervising individually and in group by appropriate steps can improve the ability of teacher in developing character based lesson plan. Keywords: Teachers' Ability, Academic Supervising, Character Based Lesson Plan