Uji Organoleptik Kopi Biji Salak dengan Varian Waktu Penyangraian


This Research was aimed determine the effects of roasting coffe bean on organoleptic coffee bark banjarnegara (Salacca zalacca var zalacca). The effect of treatment is determined using the method of completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of six treatments and three replications. The treatments were P0 is the control, P1 with the roasting time of 40 minutes, P2 with a roasting time of 50 minutes, P3 with a roasting time of 60 minutes, P4 with a roasting time of 70 minutes and P5 with a roasting time of 80 minutes. Based on the Anova test track with significant level of 5 percent showed significant results that Fhitung (6.42) more than F table (3.68), followed by LSD test were obtained significantly different results in the treatment of P3 (60 minutes) with a number BNT 2.67. Coffee bean roasting time best bark in treatment P3 with a roasting time of 60 minutes that have criteria dark brown color, very fragrant aroma, smooth texture, taste bitter, and acceptance of like . The results showed that the higher the quality of coffee beans bark the higher the acceptance of society to bark bean coffee. Keywords: roasting, the beans bark banjarnegara (salacca zalacca var zalacca)