Pendidikan Multikultural di Pesantren (Upaya Membendung Radikalisme di Indonesia)


Multicultural-Based Education in Pesantren (An Effort to Stem Radicalism in Indonesia). This study examines the role of pesantren in stemming radicalism. This is due to the wave of Islamic radicalism that keeps popping up on one side and terrorism on the other hand. It has disrupted the existence of pesantren. There is even a stigma that pesantren is a hotbed of terrorism and always fosters radicalism. Based on this fact, the conclusion of this study emphasizes the role of pesantren in stemming radicalism, that must be institutionally responsive and emphasize belief and morality. Pesantren education should be multicultural based, including an understanding of religious reality. As a religious education institution capable of processing and gathering all local wisdom in the face of Islam Nusantara, it is expected to deny the world’s perception on Islam that is always identified with the religion of terror and hatred.