Published by Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Articles: 0
ISSN (e-ISSN): 2655-1322 (2655-0938)
Grade: None
Country: Indonesia
Jurnal Kartika Kimia (Kartika: Journal of Chemistry) is an open-access and peer-reviewed (double-blind) Scientific Journal that publishes all research articles/reviews/ short communication related to the progress of chemistry research. The focus of Jurnal Kartika Kimia (Kartika: Journal of Chemistry) is Pure and Applied Chemistry. The scope of this journal is: The scope in Pure Chemistry is 1) Analytical Chemistry, 2) Inorganic Chemistry, 3) Physical Chemistry, 4) Organic Chemistry, and 5) Biochemistry. The scope in Applied Chemistry is 1) Material Chemistry, 2) Environmental Chemistry, 3) Catalyst, 4) Food Chemistry, 5) Natural Products Chemistry, 6) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 7) Medicinal Chemistry, and 8) Computational Chemistry. Jurnal Kartika Kimia (Kartika: Journal of Chemistry) is published by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Informatics, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani. Jurnal Kartika Kimia (Kartika: Journal of Chemistry) publishes 2 issues per year in May and November. Jurnal Kartika Kimia (Kartika: Journal of Chemistry) can be accessed via print (ISSN 2655-1322) and online (ISSN 2655-0938).
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